Monday, December 26, 2011

Deck The Halls

So, because of the Bumpass Hounds, there was Oriental Duck, or Chinese Turkey, for Christmas Dinner. Ralphie got his Red Ryder BB Gun. And all was well.

There was so much food this year. It began with Turkey at Thanksgiving. We had pork roast, Estonian "holiday" sausages, stew cooked all day over an open fire in an iron cauldron, ham, pie, rock cakes...It's not even New Year's and I'm making resolutions that last 'til the next meal time. I am truly thankful for the delicious feasting of which we partook. At some point, gathering around a meal with friends and family became more dear than ripping into gifts.

Tomorrow, life returns to some normalcy, for me at least, and a wonderful break will be over. I'll battle wistfulness, some nostalgia, memories like "the last time I was doing this, I was looking forward to..."

Right now, I'm looking forward to lying down and drifting off to sleep at the end of another wonderful, blessed day.

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