Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Christmas Song

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire...

There are many incredible scriptural songs celebrating the birth of Christ. Mel Torme's tune is not one of them. It is, however, perhaps my favorite Christmas-y song which I'll never sing at a Christmas Eve service.

I grew up with Johnny Mathis's and Frank Sinatra's old school versions. I also appreciate Nat King Cole's, Anything since then is pretty disappointing (all due respects to Amy Grant). There's just something 50's/60's, New York City Christmas about the song. All quiet, hopeful, peaceful...the expectation of Santa (yet so much more). It's appropriate for kids from one to 92...And when I hear that song, those versions, I can catch a wisp of dreamy, child-like Christmases of long ago.

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